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Everything posted by pkentwindsurf

  1. Thanks for the honest opinion. And yes you're so right about size and usage. I also have a 12inch Dob, fantastic scope, but it barely sees the outside of the shed due to its weight.
  2. I'm in the market for a refractor, reading this has now confused me lol. I was set on a stellamira 125, but I'm now wondering about saving a bit more and grabbing a Tak. I've always been one for get as much aperture as you can, but I hear so many good things about Tak100's.
  3. I actually hadn't considered a 102, that Starfield one is available at FLO, sounds like a great scope and a great price.
  4. Morning All, I'm in the market for a scope to fit in between my SW ED80 (f7.5) and a GSO 12 inch Dobsonian (f5). I've been chatting to FLO and Chris has been hugely helpful. But as this is a bit of an investment I'd appreciate a few more thoughts from a few of you out there. FLO recommended a StellaMira ed125 which does indeed look like a lovely spec scope and I'm very drawn to this one (I do love the crisp views through my ed80). I'm purely a visual observer and I enjoy looking at everything from DSO's, Double Stars to Solar system stuff. I just wondered if others had any suggestions for scopes I may not have looked at and how it fits with my current scopes? Mount I have is an Heq5 pro. Cheers, Pete
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