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Posts posted by jACK101

  1. I demolished my home designed observatory a few years ago due to increasing health problems. My granddaughter has now become interested  and I have bought her a telescope. She would like to get into astrophotography, but I am not too keen to spend £4-500 on a wedge. I still have my original telescope mounting with 1/2 tonne of concrete. Would it be practical to make a fixed wedge using steel plate and triangular sides cut for my specific latitude? I could make these myself and get them welded by a local engineer? Could this be accurate enough to allow tracking?








  2. 4 hours ago, jACK101 said:

    I hesitate to post this, all the rules have been broken, but it is my first DSO. I used a Celestron 925 but with no tracking and a Nikon D200.  I do have the Celestron wedge but have not yet got it set up. This result is from 1 exposure of 1 second, no stacking. I realise that the quality is very poor, but I think I know what I need to do to improve it. Processing was done in Lightroom. I would appreciate any comments.






    It was a Nikon D3200 not 200



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  3. I hesitate to post this, all the rules have been broken, but it is my first DSO. I used a Celestron 925 but with no tracking and a Nikon D200.  I do have the Celestron wedge but have not yet got it set up. This result is from 1 exposure of 1 second, no stacking. I realise that the quality is very poor, but I think I know what I need to do to improve it. Processing was done in Lightroom. I would appreciate any comments.




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