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Posts posted by helium

  1. Hello!
    Well, we programmed the PIC. Just one. Then we soldered it in place. After powering up, I upgraded the firmware to what went into the PIC to be the same in both. Since the weather has been bad since then I couldn't try it properly, but it rotates both axes as it should. It also does the 3-star calibration and finds the target when I type it. (presumably because I tried in a room). If Mgen does its job well, this project is a success ....... But that would require a cloud-free evening ..

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  2. Yeah I know. The RA axis controller is bad. I accidentally plugged the guider port into the hand control. Its supply voltage went to the guider port. That is the U4 PIC pin 27-28 (PGD, PGC). (Hand control Vpp +, and GND). The error occurs when the Mgen calibration moves the RA axis. The sidereal rate stops. When  calibrate the DEC axis, it goes down fine.

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