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Posts posted by bonzodog

  1. Katrin Raynor-Evans with her talk STEM through Stamps. You're going to learn a lot about stamps – very cool indeed. Kat is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Royal Geographical Society, a member of the European Astronomical Society and Astro Space Stamp Society. Kat writes articles and interviews for popular astronomy magazines including the BBC Sky at Night.

  2. Just a heads up - if you've done the research and the trial versions and decided to purchase any of the Topaz Labs modules -- I'm not going to shout out saying it's this or that - I secured the topazastro15 deal on all Topaz products  the DSLR Imagin Group, the Startools imaging and Astro Mounts Facebook groups a while back - a lot of Astro ladies and Gents are advocating Topaz Denoise in particular - must admit I'm really glad its in my toolkit - the final icing on the final Astro Image cake.
    Topaz Labs - are currently running a "holiday" promo  - so using the additional FB group discount code "topazastro15" that saves a further $9 making the total $50.99 for Denoise
    regards Dave Harvey


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  3. Pixinsight analogy for me is akin to driving the car knobs, levers, buttons and things all over the place to get it working- but I'm confident they work for me so how they work I'm curious of but much of it I'll never understand  lift the car bonnet up have a look then put it straight back down ~ anyway stop the waffle - I took notes on Sunday and actually followed them on Monday worked really well...  a zoomed screen shot from Sunday night 10 X 360 S.Xpress 25C CCD / Tak, FSQDX 85


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