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Posts posted by Tim99

  1. I thought it might be encouraging for other beginners to see the progress that can be made if they stick with it.  For me, it took a lot of reading to figure things out.  The help I got here at SGL really speeded up the lurning curve.  It's wonderful that people here are so willing to help.  You can also find good teachers who post videos on YouTube that are very helpful.  I still consider myself a beginner but I'm happy with the results I am starting to get.

  2. I thought this was so cool last year 2014.  My first picture M42.  Taken with 80mm Refractor - no guiding - single image -cropped.

    The second one was taken last week with same refractor but with go-to tracking mount.  10 subs( ISO 1600 @ 90 seconds) , 5 darks. Preprocessed in Nebulosity.



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  3. Yes, this time of year the weather can be challenging.  Looking forward to the ROR stage.  Keep those pictures coming.  I sure do like your project.  Your plan seems like a well built, functional observatory built at a reasonable cost.  This is what I hope to achieve next spring.

    Thanks for the updates and good luck on the rest of the build.


    P.S. Thanks for your reply to my message, by the way.  I hope to stay in touch.  

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