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Blog Entries posted by Redrefractor

  1. Redrefractor
    Hello All, I'm a Merchant Mariner and amateur observer from the 'States'; I've been sailing for about thirty years and stargazing for nearly forty, and the night sky as seen from the deck of a ship at sea is my favorite reason for being out there on the waters.
    These days I work a 750-foot-long cargo ship named 'Arctic' based in New Jersey, which cruises the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and generally throughout the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. We carry general stores for the USN and USMC, including ammunition and fuel for both ships and aircraft. 'Arctic' is a big girl, and I'm quite pleased with her--I've been aboard since late 2005 and will probably remain with her for a few more years.
    At home, on those rare occasions when I am actually there, I observe with a 20-cm SCT on a GEM mounting; at sea I use a pair of 12x36 image-stabilized Canon binoculars for my stargazing. The binoculars are especially well-suited to shipboard use and serve well for most purposes. For the rare jaunt ashore I keep a 4 1/4 inch RFT stowed aboard as well.
    I'm going to use this venue to report my observing experiences during travels both at sea and ashore...if I can convey some small part of the enjoyment I get from viewing the stars and planets here then I will have accomplished my mission.
    Hope you'll join me for the ongoing adventure!
    Tom Epps
    Able Seaman
    USNS Arctic
    Norfolk, Virginia
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