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astro mick

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Posts posted by astro mick

  1. I have,nt posted on here for a while now.

    This is just a simple short capture of Albeiro i took recently.Just six 5 minute subs in RGB.I used a 80mm ED and a 450D DSLR.

    The noise was quite high,so calibrated regardless.



    Albeiro.2 with spikes.png

    • Like 21
  2. Hi.

    This was taken a couple of nights ago with my Atair 70ED triplet and x0.8 reducer using a Atik 314l+ ccd.

    It comprises of 3hrs of Ha and the same for the O111.I could,nt get the whole heart,as the sensor is too small,to fit it all in,so i settled for the central region.

    I made it into a starless image,as i personally think it looks a bit bettter.(maybe you dont).

    Did calibrate,but flats did,nt work that well.



    IC1805 2.png

    • Like 13
  3. 1 hour ago, MartinB said:

    Some very nicely resolved dust details in there Mick.  The colour scheme is quite dramatic!

    Thanks Martin.They do say the colours of Narrowband are artistic license.😂

  4. Hi.

    This is an image of IC5070,namely the Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus.This is usually seen as a wide field image,so the Pelican can clearly be seen.However i dont have a wide field set-up,so this is more of a close up.It was taken last week with my 102mm ED refactor and Atik 314L+ ccd.

    It is a bi-colour image consisting of 2hrs of Ha & O111.

    Bias only frames were used,as i  inadvertently moved the camera before i could shoot the flats.

    Stacked in APP processed in Photo-Shop.






    • Like 3
  5. Hi.

    I imaged this Nebulae over two nights recently,with a 102 ED and a Cmos 183MM camera.It is a combination of Ha and O111.

    Imaging time around 6hrs.

    I love the two reflection Nebulae at the centre known as VdB 131 and 132.Looks like a pair of eyes watching us.

    Surrounded by the large Emission Nebulae they do stand out.




    • Like 12
  6. 8 hours ago, Budgie1 said:

    Have you selected the correct type of camera in the "Select Camera Type" window, accessed by using Shift+Click on the Connect button on the Camera tab?

    Note there's the choice of "ASCOM Camera" and "Altair Astro Camera" in the dropdown menu of camera types, so maybe try both? It also says: "Connect all Altair Astro cameras before starting APT in order to see the model number."

    Sorted Thankyou.

    Selected the Altair option in the Drop down box,and the camera connected.

    I had asummed it was just an ascom connection.


  7. 21 hours ago, nfotis said:

    If you are planning to use a flattener/reducer, you shouldn't expect much better coverage than an APS-C sensor size. The reducers reduce (pun intended) the image circle while raising brightness (to put it simply, like concentrated milk).

    If you are planning on shooting only at native focal length, there *may* be some vignetting on a full frame sensor, but nothing flats can't fix.



    Thanks for this.


  8. Hi i,m thinking of buying a canon 6D full frame camera,but am concerned it would be a bad choice for a 102mm F7 refractor,due to vignetting.

    I have read it is only really suitable for lenses.

    Other than the 6D can you recommend a good canon alternative.

    Many thanks.


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