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Everything posted by mellowyellow

  1. She blind in both eyes. She was bit by a big dog when she was a few weeks old and it took out her eyes. The vet put them back in but thanks for looking out!
  2. Pretty happy with the outcome on my t2i. Only killed one sensor. This one I scratched with the razor blade taking the top glass off but its cropped out
  3. Lol thanks guys. I just figured that out. I got a spare sensor in the mail and swapped it out. Im going to hopefully do some imaging tonight and rip it back apart and try the new sensor tomorrow. I was pretty aggressive trying to get the glass layer off. Turns out it only needed heat lol. This is a great thread though btw. And gina, Ive gone through a few of your threads as well. Good stuff! And thanks for the welcome!!
  4. So I was trying this on my 550d. I put the sensor back in to see how it was looking but my images are only coming out black, even when Im using live view. Anyone have any idea? Ive taken the camera apart down to the sensor and put it back together several times looking for a connection I missed but I cant find anything. Thanks in advance.
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