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Posts posted by quimby44

  1. 20 hours ago, Clarkey said:

    I'm not an expert in glass, but I think in a doublet you would certainly see the benefit of FPL53 over 51. At F6 you will still probably get a small amount of CA, but it should be minimal. I cannot comment of this specific scope as I have no experience. However, for a small wide field scope, it should be OK. I assume this would be for imaging?


  2. 58 minutes ago, Fozzie said:

    I've been struggling with Registax6 recently, seems to crash even on the new lap top more often than i would expect.  Had some great results so perseverance is key.

    In respect to work flow from Canon RAW, couple of questions and pointers.

    What are you stacking, image wise.. Planet/Deep Sky or moon or??

    I use Registax6 (RS6)/Autostakkert3 (AS3) for luna stacking.

    My process is as follows.

    • Shoot frames with Canon in Raw
    • Download photos to PC
    • Run RAW files through PiPP to crop and centre and quality sort the images.
    • Save the files to PNG or TIFF or SER (these are compatible with RS6 or AS3)
    • Upload in to RS6/AS3
    • Set perimeters for % quality stacking etc.
    • Run alignment and stacking
    • Play with wavelets.

    I don't think AS3 or RS6 takes RAW.2 or RAW.3 files, so they need converting.

    If deep sky/wide field then maybe an alternate, like deep sky stacker, is better option.



    Thank you will try that 

  3. 1 hour ago, Alien 13 said:

    There is some software that struggles with the latest Canon RAW files but is eventually fixed with later updates, the easiest way forward is to use the free Adobe DNG converter to batch convert all your RAW files, the DNG format is universally compatible with most image processing packages.


    Thank you 

  4. Hi I have just downloaded registax6  and it won’t work with my cannon eos400d I have changed to jpeg to raw on my camara settings I am using windows 10 is there any help and advice would be very much appreciated thank you so much 

  5. As a very newcomer (2 weeks) I would say that SGL is simply great. Very friendly, helpful members and a nice layout.

    My only comment so far is that I too would like the ability to edit my posts to correct typos if nothing else. I know that many forum software has the ability to allow editing for a certain period of time after posting and that would be very useful.

    I can see the fear of allowing editing all the time as people can then make changes to their posts that then make subsequent replies irrelevent or redundant. But editing for, say, 10 mins after posting would allow people to correct any silly mistakes before there are many (or any) responses.

    Apart from that - loving being a member.

    Curious who pays for it all though. Is that somewhere on the forum and I have missed it?

    admin can spell check and alter your typos  for you i think

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  6. words cannot say how good this site is i have been on here since 20/march/2015 it is a load of information nothing to much trouble if you have a question you will sure get a answer world wide to wish i had known about this site years ago thanks for a good site just keep going as you all are Stephen Doncaster

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