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Blog Entries posted by THEO-007

  1. THEO-007
    Good afternoon from athens guys.
    The solar surface today has 4 regions but only the 1236 and 11239 has magnetic power.
    We have only B-Class flare until now.
    The solar limb has a great day today.
    Many prominences around the disk and the stronger at the east side.
  2. THEO-007
    Poor seeing today from athens.
    Observation only in the CaK line with Coronado maxscope Sm 70mm.
    Sunspot 11236 is the leader target this time on solar surface.
    Two great sunspots in bipolar group with penubra.
    The region 11234 is closed to the west limb.
    Has many small sunspots.
    One prominence at the solar limb.
  3. THEO-007
    Fair seeing today from athens.
    I see two great explosions today but the weather gave terrible seeing today with mist but sometimes the weather open for a little.
    Some regions resign the visible side.
    11234 has spots and one more faculae over region 11234 giving spots too but has no number yet.
    Two solar flares today until now and i see them.
    I do the best retoush in my videos and giving some images to you.
  4. THEO-007
    Bad day from athens today.
    The sky full of clouds until now.
    But the sun has strong magnetic fields at the east side.
    Region 11226 is there.
    The sunspot group of this region giving flare near to M-class.
  5. THEO-007
    Good seeing today from athens after a long time.
    Used Coronado maxscope Sm70mm CaK and Coronado PST D.S Sm40mm Ha.
    We have active region at the south pole after a long time.
    Region 11214 in action with a sunspot group without penubra.
    At the west side region 11210 is ready to leave the visible solar side.
    Near to the limb came the region 11208.
    There are big filaments over two regions.
    No big prominences today at the solar limb.
  6. THEO-007
    Bad-average seeing from athens today.
    The activity of the sun going down the last days.
    Only two big regions on surface.
    11210 without sunspots right now.
    It`s time for rest.
  7. THEO-007
    Average seeing today from athens.
    The best phainomenon today are the big filaments.
    Too much gas and unstable areas.
    Two no number regions with sunspots right now.
    The other two is 11204 and 110203 at the west side.
    No big prominences today.
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