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Posts posted by JR1987

  1. I just reread the OP and got confused.

    A webcam will focus fine on a 130,  a dslr will not,

    but it seems he is trying to use a DSLR with an eyepiece,

    Can you please clarify is that's the case?|

    As normally with a dlsr you use a T ring adapter and a nose piece instead of an eye piece, it still wont focus on this scope, but at least will make sure we are talking about the same thing.

    Also just youy the webcam no eyepeice

    perhaps he means using a webcam that isn't designed for imaging.. so it doesn't fit into the focuser.

  2. From newbie experience, don't bother trying to image with a Barlow... Unless it's planets your after. All you will get is smeared, poor quality images. Lunar images aren't really possible either as the Barlow increases magnification so much that you can't fit it all in the frame.

    Everyone here will also tell you that you need the best mount you can afford. The basic ones that come on budget scopes just aren't up to it really.

    I'm currently in the same position as you, and just about to purchase an upgrade of scope and mount.

  3. After some bumps in the road, here is my first ever image of a DSS the M31.

    attachicon.gifM31 Andromeda.jpg

    is this some sort of in joke or is that actually your first image? because to me that looks beyond incredible even if someone said they had years of experience. 

    madness! i didn't even think it was possible to get images like that from Earth

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