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Posts posted by iandownunder

  1. Just the basic 18 - 55 camera lens.

    As you know the scope is F10 and I am not able to buy a focal reducer so I will just try the prime focus method and see how that turns out.

    When I took photos of the Milky Way on a tripod I could only manage around 20 seconds before the stars trailed, so when I have a try at the Orion Nebula at prime focus I think I may need to limit the exposures to 10 seconds, but like you say trial and error.


  2. Thanks for the comments, weather permitting tonight I will do as suggested and start at 30 seconds and work backwards, the Orion Nebula is unavailable at the moment ( too low and only comes up in early hours at the moment and the moon comes up as well ) but when it is up high and there is no moon I would like to take some test shots and see what happens, not sure if my set up will show anything other than a bright star but will see what happens.

    Cheers for the Link, will read it now.

    Thank you all,



    • Like 1
  3. Hi Everyone,

    First of all I will state the obvious, Fantastic Thread!.

    I would very much appreciate some guideance, I have a Nexstar 6SE, wonderful little scope, and a Canon 450D camera.

    I would very much like to try AP on the Great Orion Nebula, you guys have posted some wonderful images, absolutely amazing!

    Now for me to image this nebula I take it that I should attach my camera to the scope with the prime focus method? Without a Barlow or anything?

    My second question is, with this scope and the camera at prime focus, what would be the max exposure time that I could achieve before the stars star to trail?

    Additionally if you have any suggestions as to what I could do with this very basic set up please let me know, such as what to image, use a EP or not etc.


    Any suggestion and guidance would be very helpful.





    Thus far I have only used my camera on a tripod for the Milkyway.

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