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Posts posted by richardcav

  1. On 07/11/2011 at 15:29, chrisshillito said:

    Works ok for me - but why are you pressing reynch encoders?

    Here's the procedure for defining park.

    1. Use the EQMOD slew controls to move you "mount" to the desired park position.

    2. Click the add park button (not the resynch!)

    3. Select a slot form those available - type in a descriptive name and hit the set button. The displayed dials should reflect your chosen position

    4. Park to home

    5. unpark

    6. Select your new park position from the park mode drop down

    7. Hit the park button - the simulator should trundle off to your custom position.

    The resync encoders button is only ever used when EQASCOM has lost synchronisation with the mount (i.e. it was powered off withouth parking). The idea is that if you can define a park position that you can accurately reproduce (perhaps by bubble levels or using the flats on the worm ends as indicators) then you can get everything back in synch placing the mount t that position and then selecting the defined park position from the park mode dropdown followed by hitting the resynch encoders button.


    Thanks Chris, this worked for me, perfect advice being used years after you gave it :-)

  2. Hey guys, I am going through almost exactly the same process now, do any of you have the original .DWG files that Mr Moo posted, it would save me a decent amount of time recreating them in Solid Works - I´ve tried clicking on his original link and they are not longer available :-(



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