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Everything posted by Frost

  1. Frost

    DSLR deep sky by Frost (stars&star clusters)

    an album full of my best images of various stars and clusters
  2. Frost

    Double stars collage

    From the album: DSLR deep sky by Frost (stars&star clusters)

    a fun project that was the shortest i have done all images where taken under one hour as i was looking for some double stars and since i was there, might as well take a picture. the last two,Polaris and unknown where added just now however both where taken in a really short time. You might wonder about unknown and i can say that i have tried to look for a possible match but found nothing i found it when i calibrated my mount and had the last star as Caph then a started slewing to M101 but remembered i had not focused at all, so i stopped it after 5 seconds and used my guide scope to find a good star. when i got to one of them i saw all three stars at once so i have no idea if it is a double, triple or even not a binary star at all but it looks like it is at least a double.

    © Frost

  3. Frost

    herc finito

    From the album: DSLR deep sky by Frost (stars&star clusters)

    a combination of 30 sek, 1min and 5 min exposures all with iso 1250 calibrated with darks,flats and bias This is one of my best images so far and im very happy with how it turned out in the beginning it was only a test object but i got stuck on it and this is the result.

    © Frost

  4. From the album: DSLR deep sky by Frost (stars&star clusters)

    a combination of 30 sek and 3 min exposures with iso 1250 on the 30 second subs and iso 800 on the 3 minute subs calibrated with darks,flats and bias took this after M13 since that went so well and what did you know this went good too i cannot wait to try Moore clusters i think M2 is next

    © Frost

  5. Frost

    DSLR deep sky by frost

    a collection of images i hope you will enjoy
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