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Blog Entries posted by Joel

  1. Joel
    Im gonna keep track of what im looking at now, so would be a great help if anyone has things to suggest to look at,
    First night was the moon, one of the first things you see as a kid but has taken me 25years to look at it up closely, but it blew my mind it was amazing, we were left speachless after it but the weirdest thing was we were bent over looking through the scope and you became that mesmirised by the moon that you kind of lost balance a couple of times but was truely spectacular, the moon ROCKS!!
    Then we were looking at just random stars in the sky, it might sound daft but with your naked eye you can see a few but with a scope!!!! proper amazing we came across a few clusters and also a couple of double stars and also a few bright ones so was well happy only thing is now is im gonna have to start learning the names of them all but ready to start learning!!!
    Then the pinnacle came, when i was in primary school years and years ago we were learning about the planets and space etc, when i took a shining to Saturn, i dont know why but it captivated me (i think it was the rings) but its beautiful colour and a very nice sounding name and the rings too, made saturn my favourite planet. I came home from work and took the scope out into my backgarden and spent about 30mins finding Saturn, when i did and it took some focusing in on, it was mindblowing it was all i hoped to see, although it was quite a small image you could clearly see the rings as i straight line through the centre of the planet. i loved it and that night was a big highlight for me.
    Its weird looking up into space, at things like the moon and Saturn, I dont know why i feel very privaliged to look up and see what i seen. I went into work the next day and told a couple of people what i had been upto looking at the stars and so on and they were all quite intreaged. A couple of them even came over after work to have a peek up the scope and they are now hooked, so we are looking for things to look at so any suggestions let me know.
    I have got tomorow night off so im gonna take the laptop with loaded on it with me and spend all night gazing and looking through the scope!!!
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