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Posts posted by westernwolf

  1. Hi

    I apologise in advance if this has been answered elsewhere previously.

    Monday night I was having horrendous issues with my first real attempt at using Sequence Generator Pro, most of this seems to be entered around the ASCOM driver of my Sesto Senso 2 focuser. In the end I gave up and did things manually using Cartes du Ciel to align the telescope to M31, however this is not where I found myself pointing. This was the first time I'd used the software to guide the mount, I used to use the mounts GOTO system. After carrying out a quick imaging run because I had lost the will to live, and by plate solving I found I was actually on *68 Cas (HD4142). I had polar aligned using QHY Polemaster, this must have been ok because guiding wasn't an issue 360s+ imaging.

    I'm not a fan of Cartes du Ciel at the moment because it seems to be clunky and very slow graphically, this may be because I communicate via wifi.

    I am curious what people that use SGP do with regards to getting going for a nightly run, would SGP be able to plate solve and realign the mount to a target when it is this far out, or have I made an error in how my park is setup on the mount, tube up-weights down not accurate enough?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated because there seems to be a lot of cloud around at the moment :( .

    Kind regards,


    Skywatcher 120ED (Moonlite focuser) on HEQ5-Pro, Atik 314L+, EFW2, Eagle2 onboard computer. 

    68-Cas HD4142 HR 189.jpg

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