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Posts posted by johnd

  1. Yes, very interesting and as a newbie I can concur as other newbies have that I follow things and then get lost in some of the details.

    Question I have a 25mm and a 12mm and then a 2.25 Barlow so my max mag on my 1500 FL is 287x i.e. 1500 / (12mm / 2.25 = 5.33mm). So I've comfortably used this to view the moon (WOW looking into craters) with the only problem being that it does move fast(ish) and I have to correct my Dob a lot but still ok to view. But what would people say is the max I could get down to as others must have viewed with more Mag?  e.g.  8mm with the 2.25 barlow  or ....?

  2. In your Locating Objects... doc you have a very good tip in the form of a Finder window Card and I see a Ring binder Star chart that looks detailed and clear. I use a number of books I have but none are dediacted Star charts. I wondered what this one you use is called?  Also, related to your 5 degree finder window, is there an easy way of making the finder window(s) match my view from my 25mm and 12mm and 5.5mm (barlow view)? Where like you if I'm using the 12mm then I'd use the specific '12mm' finder so that I can get a better idea of where I am? If this makes sense?

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