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Posts posted by neural

  1. I was in a similar position recently and decided to go for one of these:


    It needs an eyepiece - ideally about 25mm, but in practice I use a spare 32mm plossl because I want the low mag and wide FOV (about 7.3x and 7 deg). It fits into a standard bracket.

    Comparing it with my previous finder, like yours a SW 9x50 RACI, with the new finder I feel I'm looking through a small telescope rather than an accessory. Star-hopping is much easier, especially under my bright London sky, and if I need to or I feel the urge I can swap a higher-power eyepiece in and split a few doubles because why not? :)  I'm also wondering about its potential as a travel scope but I haven't evaluated it in this role yet.

  2. Definitely. I came across this system for the first time a couple of months ago - it's quite nice to look at in its own right, but knowing what it is/are is mind-blowing.

    Let me see how my observing notes for that night record my excitement: "A is a bright lemon-orange star, B is too faint for any real colour, C is close to B and averted-vision but not difficult." I think it must have been a bit cold. :icon_biggrin:

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  3. Agree with John. I've split the close pair a couple of times with my 4" frac as well, but I couldn't get it at 110x ... I will try again now the challenge has been thrown down! It is really a lovely group and, unlike some multiples, genuinely looks like a triple star. Last time I looked the secondary (of the close pair) looked reddish - maybe you'll see the colour more clearly with 8" aperture. Steady skies!

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  4. Helios Naturesport 10x50. My only astro kit for the first 18 months (ie until 18 months ago), until I got my scope. I use them much less now as they don't cope well with my astigmatism (even though I use glasses with bins).

    Zeiss Jena 7x50. Wonderful sharp views, easy to hand-hold, a joy to focus, love 'em despite the tight eye relief (have to push glasses right up against eyes!!) and relatively small AFOV.

    Fujinon FMT-SX 16x70. Got these recently second hand for very good price. Use them on a sturdy Bogen tripod. Delighted with them, pin sharp stars and the view of the moon is literally breathtaking. 7x and 16x make a great combo, stepping up to my richest field scope EP at 28x. Slightly snug ER and awkward to hand-hold are the only quibbles.

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