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Posts posted by DeepSkyMan

  1. Not really had a chance to sort out the collimation since I put the Bobs Knobs on, was hoping as I said to collimate with software, will get to it though when I resolve my backfocus issue.

    William, I did start off with the Esatto at midpoint, which seemed logical, however after the initial results I ended up assessing the situation with it at the zero position.  I’m going to take the train of the scope this evening and carry out some experimentation. 

    Thanks Everyone for your valued input


  2. Thanks all, appreciate the feedback.

    Ok, so now I’m seriously confused.  Trying again this evening, and I get no joy at all for the entire range of the stock focuser, with the Esatto set at the zero step position.  I took this image with the Atik Infinity software, this is what I’m getting for the entire range of the focuser.  Also attached is the image train in question.

    Kind Regards





  3. Thanks for the feedback Elp.  Subsequent to my starting this thread yesterday evening, popped out to the obsy for a last try.  I believed I had followed the recommendations for backfocus on the rig to the letter, using a sequence of extensions calculated and recommended to me by a reputable vendor to give me the desired backfocus, however I suspect this might be my issue.  My last effort was to rack the focuser on the SCT out as far as it would go, and this resulted in me at least getting to a recognisable black background, with a very out of focus moon in the top right of the sensor.  So it looks like I need to extend the image train out further to hit the backfocus.  Looks like I will need to order another extension tube.


    Kind Regards


  4. Hi there

    I am currently trying to get to grips with my imaging setup (relatively new to imaging).  Setup is:

    C11 EdgeHD

    Esatto Focuser

    Extension tubes

    Atik Horizon

    The scope has had Bobs Knobs added to it, so I was expecting a need for collimation, and hoping to do this using the imaging rig and software rather than the traditional approach.  However the scope seems so far out of whack that I’m wondering if I should just remove the imaging rig and use the visual rig from my 8”, this would be a Baader 2” click-lock diagonal and collimate the traditional way.  Towards this end does anyone know if it is possible to use the click-lock with the Esatto focuser?  How would this relate to the back-focus requirements for the 11” Edge?

    I did a little experimentation with the imaging rig this evening on the basis that I could get the scope into something nearing focus (collimation notwithstanding), I managed to get a very grainy image of Capella which more resembled a fanciful image of an angel than a star.  My expectations were that I would see a distorted image on a black sky background, not an angel on grainy horizontally striped grey background.  I was using MaximDL for this exercise.  Thought I’d managed to save an instance of the image, however this failed to pass.  This learning curve is getting so steep, I think I’m slipping off😏

    Kind Regards


  5. Hi there, I’m looking to reduce the amount of cabling for my mobile dark skies outfit.  I use a Vixen SXW (uses the old Starbook).  Current setup uses a 3 metre cat5/RJ45 link between my mobile router and the Starbook.  I’d like to get rid of this annoying tether and replace with a WiFi based alternative.  Towards this end I started thinking about a WiFi dongle with a male RJ45 connection, just wondering if anyone on SGL has come across such a beast?


    Kind Regards


  6. Hi there folks, I’ve been trolling the market looking for an acceptable insurance deal for my observatory.  After getting knocked back by my home contents insurer I’ve managed to source a company who will provide full coverage for £401 p/a.  Coverage includes structure and contents, all items individually listed and quoted.

    Just wondering how other stargazers have faired in this endeavour.

    Kind Regards


  7. Hi there, I’m looking to put in place a wireless security system and insurance coverage for my home observatory.  Can anyone provide recommendations for

    1/. A tried and trusted security system incorporating exterior lighting, WiFi controlled sensors/cameras, preferably a DIY solution (rather than a contracted option such as ADT)

    2/. An insurance solution tried and trusted from a home obsy perspective.

    Kind Regards



  8. Hi there, I am trying to get Autoslew to drive my Pulsar Dome over ASCOM.  To my knowledge the Pulsar ASCOM driver works without issue with a multitude of different vendor solutions, unfortunately the same does not appear to be true for ASA Autoslew.  I have managed to get Autoslew to recognise the Pulsar ASCOM driver in as much as the menu options for Open and Close of the shutter are now enabled, unfortunately when I execute the Open command I receive the following error output:


    Dome Problem:Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    Has anyone ever successfully used the Pulsar ASCOM driver with Autoslew?   I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the driver… same result.  The Pulsar driver is 32 bit running on a 64bit Windows 10 computer.  ASCOM Diagnostics returns the following:

    Create              Creating device
    Connected           Connecting to device                  

    Name                Pulsar Observatories Dome
    Description         Pulsar Observatories Dome
    DriverInfo          Pulsar Observatories Dome Drive Version: 6.3
    DriverVersion       6.3
    InterfaceVersion    2
    Azimuth, Altitude   Property not available - Property read Altitude is not implemented in this driver.

    AtHome              False
    AtPark              False                   
    Connected           Disconnecting from device
    Dispose             Disposing of device
    Dispose             Completed disposal
    ReleaseComObject    Releasing COM instance
    GC Collect          Starting garbage collection
    GC Collect          Completed garbage collection

    Kind Regards


  9. Hi there I recently installed an EcoAir DD1 Mk5 dehumidifier in my Pulsar Observatory.  Looking for recommendations for scheduling.  I currently have the unit scheduled on between 05:00 and 09:00.  I’m thinking that in addition to this I should probably have the unit running during the evening as well.  Or… perhaps there are more optimal schedules?

      I live in central Scotland.

    Kind Regards


  10. Hi there, just wondering if anyone happens to have a set of DDM85 metrics that I could use with my 2.7m dome ASCOM setup.  New to dome setup so I'm sort of experimenting at the moment.  As I don't yet have my pier (unforeseen budget complications),  I'm currently working with my Altair Starbase Tri-Pier.  The ASCOM dome setup requires the following in either inches or mm

    Total North/South Offset  

    Total East/West Offset  

    Total Up/Down Offset  

    Dome Diameter or   

    Dome Radius  

    GEM Axis Offset  

    Any assistance greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards


  11. 13 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

    What specs is it sporting out of interest?

    Direct Drive technology.

    64kg instrument payload

    Renishaw absolute encoders

    Spectacular pointing and tracking and a whole lot more.  Here’s an old fact sheet on the Astrograph.net website:


    unfortunately ASA stopped making them in 2018, their focus has returned to institutional customers which was their mainstay prior to venturing into the amateur market in the late noughties.

    Kind Regards







    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

    wow, thats "BIG" whatever it is. What do we have there and is that mount a goto, looks it?


    It’s an ASA DDM85, out of the 2017 production run, but never used in anger.  It’s amazing what a polite enquiry on a vendor forum can turn up.🙂

    • Like 1
  13. An eagerly awaited package finally arrived from Holland yesterday and following a little reading and exercise of my grey matter,  this:




    turned into this:



    first coarse balance achieved, plan to dive into the electronics and software tomorrow evening😀

    • Like 14
  14. Yves

    I’m considering the e-fric as the mount for my new observatory.  Do you have a video of the mount in operation?  Can pm you my personal email address.  Since the mount does not come with an integrated controller, I’m also curious about how  you mount the OnStep unit to the mount, and what cabling you use.  I have a preference where possible for LAN/WiFi based control over SkySafari.

    Kind Regards


  15. On 23/12/2021 at 10:46, 7170 said:

    Unguided for 20 mins at what focal length may I ask, that is the key question.

    For longer focal length imaging the only two mounts I have seen setup regularly in remote observatories to do unguided imaging with long exposures are the 10Micron 2000 HPS and Planewave Ascension 200HR. But the recommended max exposure time is usually 10 minutes, and not 20, but I will admit those are for high payloads.

    What is your reason for wanting unguided imaging, as premium mounts behave very well when guiding? Once setup you shouldn’t need to think about them at all.

    I’ve noted over the years the trials and tribulations of my fellow astronomers coping with a mish-mash of  software, hardware solutions and mangled nests of cabling, stumbling up the ever steepening learning curve, and I have no desire to repeat the cycle, so I’m just looking to make my life easier from the outset. 🙂

  16. Hi there guys, hope Xmas prep is going well 🙂   

    Posted this question in an attempt perhaps to push me into a decision.  I’m targeting a mount capable of delivering unguided imaging for an instrument load of about 20Kg over about 20mins.  Of the mounts out there the majority of the key players are way to rich for my blood.  Considering I’m located in the U.K. I’m also more attracted to a European supplier (potential shipping, support costs), that being the case I’ve come to a short list one:

    10 Micron HPS 1000 


    Just wondering if there are other options to consider.  I saw some marketing on the ASA DDM60 Pro the other day and thought that was the way to go, only to find out that ASA have dropped them from production 😞   Hoping for some inspirational feedback.


    Kind Regards



  17. Hi there I’m looking for recommendations for a dehumidifier to install in my Pulsar Observatory.  Topic has probably been done to death already over the years however a lot of the posts are several years old, just wondering what the best dehumidifier  currently on the market is for this use-case.


    Kind Regards


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