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Posts posted by IIxFUSIONZxMMx

  1. After purchasing my first telescope 2 weeks ago I came across this site and was blown away with the mass of help and advice on offer. Being a total beginner with very little knowledge, I feel I have been given an understanding of what the sky has to offer and there is always somebody available yo help and answer questions I have 24 hours a day. I Feel privileged to be a part of this amazing site. I would massively recommend SGL to anybody interested in stargazing.

    Thank you sgl for all your help and long may it continue

    Mark (newbie)

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  2. Thanks Joe had another look tonight can see 4 moons as stars and can see  Jupiter as a small planet and a couple of lines around the planet quite small though is there anything I can do or buy to show more detail on Jupiter and make it look bigger if you know what I mean lol I haven't had the pleasure of looking at mars or Saturn yet hopefully they will show more detail and look bigger!! is there anyway I can take photos of what I can see? thanks guys mark

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