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Blog Comments posted by Koraki

  1. Hi Chris,


    At current my proposal is to cut the video's down to a manageable size perhaps the best 5 second segment as the point is to see what can be seen through different set-ups not to watch a 2 minute video etc. The small sizes will also help with hosting etc.


    In terms of how i see it working is as a website with a menu pain that allows the user to select from the set-ups that we have in the database by object which will then open a new browser on submission that displays the video and the technical specifications, probably utilizing flashplayer.


    I will bolt on user functionality i.e. members as a second release but I'm more interested in getting the core of it going first.


    Also, consent and video rights will be an issue that I want to discuss with those that come forward with videos to determine a consensus around the rights and responsibilities of both the hoster and hostee and i'm not entirely sure of the most equitable treatment as yet and will ultimately hopefully be a group decision.


    I will need to look at the hosting requirements when we get file sizes in etc to determine how I end up paying for it all whether by adwords etc and this then raises the questions of distributing funds to video submitters, perhaps based on number of views or something or perhaps setting the thing up as a social club or something I'm not too sure as yet.


    I'm at work at the moment so happy to have a longer conversation about it if you want to drop me a message?


    My experience is predominantly in accounting and finance with experience in SQL development, Javascript and C# so collaboration may be a necessity to get it looking perfect.


    Many Thanks,



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