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Posts posted by mgg505

  1. So I've got home after coming back from the cinema and I was admiring the night sky. Completely clear over the North Yorkshire Moors and I was amazed (as usual) at the stars. I was looking at Orion to see if I could make out his sword when suddenly I saw a bright green flash  just above the belt. Obviously thought I was seeing things and it happened again about 30 seconds later, then again about 10 seconds later. It was like the green flash on a sunset but in the middle of the night?? Can anybody please enlighten me as to what I saw? I've never seen anything like it and my boyfriend doesn't believe me which makes it all the more annoying!

    I've googled it and most people seem to think its an Iridium Flare, but this it was definitely not - it didn't last more than a tenth of a second.

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