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Everything posted by Fip

  1. Fip

    Strange Saturn object

    This is the first photo I took of Saturn with very primitive equipment and not in very ideal conditions. I am interested to know what the blue body is. Also, there is a very strange object that I have circled. Could anybody tell me what they think it is? It looks most peculiar! I have loaded the original image as I suspect some of you have better and cleared zoom capabilities than I do.
  2. Fip


    From the album: Strange Saturn object

    This is zoomed in to show the blue body clearer. Could somebody tell me what it is please? I can't work it out!
  3. Fip


    I'm already in my bunker!
  4. Fip


    *please excuse the extra 'is'. It was late and I was very tired!
  5. Fip


    From the album: Strange Saturn object

    This is zoomed in further on the same object. i am very curious!
  6. Fip


    From the album: Strange Saturn object

    This is slightly zoomed in on the strange object. Can anybody tell me what they think it is please?
  7. Fip


    From the album: Strange Saturn object

    This is the original image. Could somebody tell me what the blue body is above left of Saturn is?
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