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Posts posted by IckleImp

  1. Greetings everyone

    I've had an interest is astronomy if sometime. I have a Celestron Travelscope 70 with various Revelation eyepiece's. For a short time I also had a Celestron 130 reflector but didn't really get on with it as I found it too bulky and awkward to keep setting up.

    I've been thinking of getting a 90 Mak but not sure if the views would be much better than the Travelscope as it's only slightly bigger. 

    My main interest is in planets and celestial bodies rather than wide views.

    I would value people opinions of this possible upgrade.

    Thank you in advance






  2. Not sure why there is so much hate fot the Astromaster. Yes the materials used in some components may be inferior to the SW but the scopes are manufacture to different price points.

    The AM is my first larger scope and I am more than happy with the views I get with it.

    I found the collamation surprisingly easy once I placed a ring binder reinforcing ring in the centre of the primary. I also find the eq mount a real bonus as I can track objects so easily. Yes it is a little wobbly but again I realise it is manufactured to a price and accept what it is. None of the issues have detracted from the pleasure the scope gives me. Maybe I would feel it inferior if I used a SW, but I haven't, so I don't.

    I notice there is becoming a degree of snobbery regarding equipment particularly within some astronomy clubs and anyone with an AM 130 always seems viewed as the poor relation, which seems a little sad.

    In my limited view the AM 130 is an inexpensive scope that gives great views for the money. Just don't take it to a Starparty unless you fancy spending the evening alone :)

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