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Everything posted by adavies660

  1. St Germain de Confolens. Image is single 30 second shot with Canon 600D ISO3200 15mm sigma fisheye. castle lit up for 2 seconds.
  2. adavies660


    From the album: Ha and OIII

    Took several OII frames last night to add to my Ha. Looking at the results I seem to have a large ring and a dust trail across my OIII images (arrows). They are not visible at all on the Ha (small image) Am I right in assuming that this is light from Alnitak? Am I also correct in thinking that I need to reduce image time but create more files to get rid? This is a single 600 second light frame taken with Atik 16IC on a ED80.
  3. adavies660

    Ha and OIII

  4. adavies660


    Images taken in South of France.
  5. adavies660


    From the album: Astroimages

  6. adavies660


    From the album: Astroimages

  7. adavies660


    From the album: Astroimages

  8. From the album: Ha and OIII

    4x10mins OIII and 3x10mins Ha. Atik 16ic mono on a ED80 (Altair) No darks, flat or bias. Only because I am still learning..;-)
  9. adavies660


    From the album: Astroimages

    M51 taken with ED80 and Canon 600D Unmodified on a CEM60 mount guided with ED70. Stacked in DSS and tweaked in PS2. 5x10min subs no darks.
  10. adavies660


    All things comets
  11. From the album: Comets

    © adavies - 2015

  12. adavies660


    From the album: Comets

    © adavies - 2015

  13. From the album: Astroimages

    Did a re-stack of old image. This is 2 hours and 49 minutes of data, no darks, flats or bias. un-modified Canon 600D, iso800, ED80, guided,

    © Andrew Davies - Astrofarm - Confolens

  14. adavies660

    Milkyway shots

    Milkyway shots from Astrofarm
  15. From the album: Milkyway shots

    Single untracked 20 second exposure taken at Astrofarm
  16. adavies660

    Pan night Sky

    From the album: Milkyway shots

    This is a 360 degree pan of the Observatory site here at Astrofarm.
  17. until
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