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Posts posted by Scott94

  1. 7 hours ago, Alan64 said:

    I'm thinking that you have this kit...


    ...without go-to, and from what I had read within one of your previous threads.

    In any event, a camera's sensor collects a lot more light than the human eye.  Therefore, for imaging, a telescope with a large aperture is not required, however there is the increased resolution(detail) that comes with a larger aperture.

    I would suggest this one, as it's configured for imaging, and can be used as well for visual-use with eyepieces...


    Here's a long-running thread about imaging with the 130P-DS... 


    Alan thanks for your reply!

    I sure do - I have the 150p with normal eq3-2 mount! Sorry going to high jack my own thread are the GoTo upgrade kits for this mount good?

    Do you know of any stockists that do the Skywatcher Explorer 130p DS OTA with a mount in a package? or would I have to buy a mount separately?  I think the one you linked doesn't have a mount?  If not is it worth getting him this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes/skywatcher-explorer-130p.html and just buying the T ring and adaptors for his camera?

    Also with the 130p that you linked can it also take normal eye-pieces into that chunky adaptor?

    Thanks for all your help!



  2. Hey thanks for the reply!

    So which one is best for imaging? Should we just get him a Skywatcher 150p like me ? - At least I know how to set up the mount and do the basic stuff like moon imaging etc.

    I think a Dob would probably suit him better though.

    Can you recommend any Dobs for him? I guess he can upgrade in the future if he wishes. Unless ofcourse you would recommend a refractor instead? 





  3. Hi All,

    My mum wants to buy my dad a telescope for Christmas... budget £200 but wouldn't mind going to about £300. Viewing from out the back garden (not a lot of light pollution).

    Would like to adapt it to take pictures from it also and I have a feeling he will get into Astrophotography being a recently retired professor of biology he needs a hobby and I think this will become his passion. 

    What telescope would you recommend and why?

    Thanks for any responses :) 

    I have a Skywatcher 150p my self :)




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