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Posts posted by tuckstar

  1. Hi fellow classic equipment enthusiasts,

    Time to pick your brains. I have in my possession, but not mine, a 6" mirror inscribed as H N Irving and son, Nov 1954, must be R N Irving as H N died in 1941.  It is an f8.3 mirror with secondary which is also inscribed as Irving but no date. Secondary has no silver and primary needs a recoat.

    So any of you guys know anything about the mirror set?

    I have found R N Irvings obituary which talks about the high quality optics he and his father produced, and I see the science museum has a collection of Irving items so I have contacted them and, at the owners request, they may end up there.  If not they may well be on the market. I'm tempted to put a scope together with them, I think it would be a planet killer. Also has a spider and eyepieces.

    Please note, not my photos, no way I would put a mirror face down on the table like that even if it does want a re-coat


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  2. I'm bortle 6 at home and struggle with the fainter galaxies in all but the best conditions. The sky isn't getting dark at present which won't help. You need to be dark adapted. Try for andromeda to star with. M81 and m82 are quite easy to find. You have enough aperture do see plenty. Sometimes its just knowing how to look, give it plenty of time at the eyepiece and learn about averted vision, looking but to one side and using the more sensitive part of your vision.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

    Anyone else picked up any "little gems" and total bargains that they wish to share ?

    A few years ago I had the opportunity of going to a house clearance via a friend. An old guy had passed away and had loads of camera equipment and a few scopes. Hadn't been in to astro long at that point. Saw a frac that I didn't recognise and didn't know what it was. So to cut a long story short, I walked away with a x2 skylux, a rubinar 250 mirror lens and a smallish white frac for £150. Sold the rubinar for £250, both skylux for 30 each and the white scope, turns out it was/is a zeiss telementor 2!! Thats a keeper and cost me minus £. My friend also picked up a tal 1. So much camera gear, if I knew then what I know now I would of took the lot and worked out a percentage. They were just throwing away camera lenses and binos. Heart breaking looking back.

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  4. 1 hour ago, powerlord said:

    wow - that will be a yes then. 😀

    I also did the focuser tube as well while it was in bits.

    Spray a drop of soapy water in a spray bottle before placing the material, whatever your using but assuming self adhesive, it gives you a few seconds to move it about and get it placed and any bubble out before it glues to much. And hoover it when it's dry, you don't want any loose flock to fall on your mirror when you've put it back together.

    One last tip, make sure to put markers on your mirror cell and ota to match up when you put the cell back. It needs to go back in the same position. I just put a bit of tape on mine, think its still there.

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