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Posts posted by frasax

  1. Hi,

    sorry for being late on replying here. Thanks to astronomy now the software came a bit more around in the english speaking community. GraXpert is still under development. We implemented xisf format as well. The software and its algorithms are working very good in my opinion. Dark Ravens results shows its power. Problems that we hear or read often are problems concerning security allerts and problems with installing GraXpert on MacOS. Its very hard for us to get workarounds for this as i think that we need to register GraXpert and this will cost money. I hope that we will be able to release GraXpert 1.0 in the near future and maybe i will invest the money in registration. 

    CS Frank

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  2. Hello community,

    I am Frank, the initiator of GraXpert, a free and open source standalone tool that makes removal of gradients in deep-sky photos easy and free, and provides - as we believe - high quality results. We just released GraXpert (RC1) for the first time earlier this week. We provide both the source code as well as binary releases for Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04), Windows (>10), and MacOS (>10.15) on github.

    The project: https://github.com/Steffenhir/GraXpert

    Releases: https://github.com/S...aXpert/releases

    The license: https://github.com/S...ob/main/LICENSE


    The tool is from hobbyists for hobbyists and we do not make any money out of it.

    Maybe a bit of background information on the tool: the idea for GraXpert was born by Frank Sackenheim (me) in context of the Dark Matters Discord community about three months ago. The idea was to create an affordable tool for gradient removal, especially targeting beginners. Steffen, Christian, and David picked up the idea and we were able to produce a first release candidate for which we would love to hear your feedback and see your results!

    More infos can be found on our website  https://www.graxpert.com that provides both a video introduction (in English and German), a written user manual, and also the possibility to download GraXpert from there.

    Do you want to get in contact with us? Please feel free to join the Dark Matters community where we have dedicated channels for GraXpert. Maybe there is a lot of German going on right now. However, generally at Dark Matters we use both English and German so do not hesitate to start a discussion 


    We hope you like it and we wish you a lot of fun with GraXpert

    Frank, David, Steffen and Christian

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