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Posts posted by tdnicholls

  1. Looks good Steve, I do a similar thing but use a Arduino and 8 way relay board, wrote my own control software as well as the ASCOM drivers for the roof control, needed more flexibility than std software offers.


    It does basically the same thing, my roof has a lock on it so the software handles the control of lock disengagement and roof opening. I use SGP and read the notification log to allow me to disable the IR on the CCTV cameras when images are being taken.

    I also have various environmental monitoring kit that control when the dehumidifier kicks in, currently on at 60% and off at 50%.

  2. Ah, yes remember talking to 'gnomus' about his flip issues, thought you had got that sussed though.

    I have had my obs working for a while but use SGP and some bespoke software/hardware to control it and had have a ROR so much easier, not sure I would have liked trying to get a dome to work. Also no ability to restart after cloud which is a pain . Have looked at ACP but cost puts me off a tad.

  3. The lack of 'one size' is  reason I I built most of my own control hardware and wrote the main control software for my automated setup, I still use SGP but hook into the logs and custom sensor control.Just in the process of finishing off a bespoke ASCOM safety driver that hooks into the AAG as well as UPS, humidity monitoring etc. that will fire an unsafe if more than just the weather turns.

    I have looked a CCD C, APC and a few others but SGP with my own software offers me the best option personally, the lack of pause for weather and target selection looks to like it may be addressed on the 2.5 release - do realise that producing custom  hardware/software is not something available to all.  


  4. Steve

    You may want to also consider something like http://www.scorptec.com.au/product/Networking_-_Wired/IP_Power/38561-9258HP for the remote management of power.. (sorry to add to your cost base!)

    Also, a good thread here which may have some other nuggets... http://www.iceinspace.com.au/forum/archive/index.php/t-108878.html

    And I have just acquired the cloud watcher so will be interested in findings from you and others...


    Regarding the IP PDU, I use the 9858 with UK sockets in my setup - can be got from here  http://www.openxtra.co.uk/p/ip-power-switch-uk-4-port-ip9258uk

    Look forwarding to watching your progress as doing much the same here, using SGP as a base so recovery after obs shutdown is not I think  currently possible.

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