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Status Updates posted by Dave73

  1. Shall i purchase a new Celestron Omni XLT 150 Newtonian in the morning ?

    1. Dave73


      Purchased today from 365 astronomy, Great service. Just waiting for cloude to clear now....

    2. SGLi


      Hi. Is the model.u brought good?

  2. Clouds, clouds clouds :-(

  3. Just received my 1st telescope on friday. 3" table top Newtonian, very pleased !

  4. Just ordered my 1st Telescope :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      What OTA you're going for, Dave?

    3. Dave73


      It arrived friday and the sky was fairly clear thanks.

      I decided for my 1st scope to start basic (as had been tempted with a larger scope) so decided to go for the Heritage 76 (3") Mini Dobsonian and i totally love it. I read some where that the best telescope is the one you use the most and i think this will get a lot of use. I could not believe that on my first night i found a small circular object. On further investigation i think it turned out to be M57 in Lyra. I was so supprise...

    4. Dave73


      Can anyone confirm if a 3" table top scope would be able to view M57 as after talking to someone who knows a lot more than me, he was not sure that a small scope would be capable of viewing this. It was a very clear night and i remember spending a long time star hoping and also using a phone app. fixed to the rear of this small scope to help locate the ring nebula. What i saw appeared to be a VERY small smudge with a hole in it (and i mean small). The telescope was also in focus as other...

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