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Posts posted by oobydooby

  1. I once suggested to a District Commissioner in the UK Scout movement who was enquiring about astronomy badge testers and the type of knowledge required by the tester that there was no solar knowledge in the curriculum, his reply was "what has the sun to do with astronomy, it's not important for the Scouts to learn about the sun."

    After I had picked myself up from the floor I told him in no uncertain terms that if there were no sun the Earth would not exist.  The sun grows all the food we eat directly as in plant, food or indirectly by feeding the animals we eat.

    He answered, "well it's not astronomy anyway!"

    God, if you believe in him, help us all if that how they teach our kids!

    • Confused 1
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  2. Not seen it yet but will keep a lookout.  My guess is they were trying to find an object below the horizon, assuming the were not in a spaceship, in which case maybe they were hoping to sneak a view of a crew member in the lower decks?


  3. My star is 82EGSWJR9-39979280 which I think is probably it's magnitude but I do have the co-ordinates.....  13h 15m 6.7s right ascention, +6deg 6Min 41.2 sec Declination.  If anyone can find it please send it to me  I will happily pay any excess postage on receipt.

  4.  I hope I am not stepping on toes here and there may be a reason, but a few days ago I responded to an advert if an item was still available.  I have since heard nothing and cannot be bothere if the seller will not respond.  Either he/she wants to sell or does not.. either way a reply would have been courteous.

    • Like 2
  5. Long ago in a galaxy far away I had a Star Adventurer which I had accidentally damaged, losing breaking the USB connection, but it still worked.  When I tried it earlier this year it would not work so I decided to get a new one, as my age and health does not allow me to use more than a few pounds of weight.  (I cannot drive and have to rely on others to take me wherever I go)

    A few days ago my parcel arrived from a company called First Light Optics, and I noticed it had a warning on the box  "May contain clouds".  I did not order, nor did I want clouds, and wonder if I should return them, and will I have to pay the return postage. 

    More to the point, how do I get the Star Adventurer out of the box without releasing the clouds, and if they do manage to escape how will I get them back in the box?

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    • Haha 1
  6. The saga continues.  After an inordinate length of time and complaining to the seller I had mail from Amazon stating my delivery would be a week later than expected, followed by another stating my money would be refunded.  The next day I was informed my money had indeed been refunded.  The next day an e-mail from Amazon told me the the screws would be arriving that day.  They did not arrive.

    In the meantime I ordered them again and was given an estimated arrival date, and an e-mail arrived from the seller via e-mail that the delivery would be delayed for about a month.

    I shall now look at the link given by gorann and see if I can gain a little sanity.

    • Sad 2
  7. I sent a complaint to the e-bay seller today and the total, both postage and cost of item has been refunded.  If the screws are delivered I will keep them for a week or so and if I don't get a message detailing how they intend collecting them, at their expense, I shall be inclined to assume they will not want the added cost of sending them back and will keep them.

    In the meantime I have re-ordered via Amazon the screws at a much better price and with free postage.

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  8. 2 hours ago, NGC 1502 said:


    Late to this thread, however - I’ve had a Lunt 35 Ha for 10 years and I’m familiar with those screws and springs.  Their purpose is to return the front etalon cell to the non-tilt position after using the tilt tuner.  Most of the time the tilt tuner is not needed, the best view being with the front cell in the non tilt position.

    So at the last resort if you cannot find suitable replacement screws and springs is to simply tape the front cell in the non tilt position. Most of the time you will still get the best view.  Also with the tape covering the tiny gap, dust cannot enter. That’s how I know about those screws and springs because I dismantled to clean the 2 element objective.  Dismantling in this manner does not involve disturbing the etalon, that comes off as a fixed unit.

    If it were me I’d repair if I could but tape as mentioned if no suitable parts could  be found.


    Edit - without the 2 screws and springs the etalon cannot fall off because it’s also held by the oblong brass plate with 4 screws on the opposite side to the tilt tuner control.

    Slight disagreement here.  When I first bought the telescope I found that to observe the proms I needed a greater tilt than when viewing the details on the inner face of Sol, so I think I still need a screw.   No sniggering at the back please! 🤤

    • Haha 1
  9. Hi all as suggested I have ordered 5 m2 10mm screws which cost less the £2 and as I was desperate as I am doing outreach next week I paid for next day postage. About 12 quid in total.  Hopefully this will be the right size and I can get set for a few days of sunshine even at the lowest solar cycle for a long time.

    I will let you know how it works out. Thanks again.


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