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Posts posted by AMSA

  1. tetenterre, Thanks very much for answering.

    Tomorrow I'll try to have it exchanged by other pack.

    About the neckstrap, it should have been in the package but that's not true - I'll also complaint about that.

    Thanks again

  2. tetenterre, so you think that's bad enough to exchange it for other? Could I have any problem in the future caused by that front glass problem?

    Should the neckstrap be included in the package? Because it didn't came.

    By the way, when I focus on an object, the "outside area" looks a bit unfocused whilst the "inside/center area" is focused. Is it normal ?

    Thanks again!

  3. Hi there guys

    I'm from Portugal and I don't have no experience in binos, but I always wanted to buy one for my hobby, which is planespotting.

    Therefore, I bought one pair of these binos in my local Lidl. I opened the box in the shop and tested it "softly". A couple of days after, I noticed a noise which comes from the front left glass, it seems that it has a bit of a gap, because when I touch with my finger on it, the glass moves less than a 1mm.

    The question is, should I try to exchange these binos because of that? Or it's not a big deal that I should care about?

    Apart from that, the binos seems good enough for me and for the use I'll give it. The image looks bright and sharp. It's a bargain I think!

    Thanks in advance



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