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Posts posted by Jedite83

  1. i'll take some photos and post them in a bit. (have to wait for my camera to charge). I know that even dirty mirrorsw still can work, but the secondary is not reflective, but has a frosted look to it.

    My wife had asked if just replacing ht mirrors was an option and looking online it does look like it could be more affordable of an option, but all th emirros I am finding have a different focal lenght (they are 900mm and my scope is 910mm).

  2. I was given a telescope by my FIL a few years back that he had been storing in a back room in his  house. I cleaned it up and it worked great. However I ended up having to store in in a storage unit for a couple of years, taking it out from time to time to use it. I have been able to take it out and am planning on using it regularly but I noticed that the secondary (and to a lesser extent the primary) mirrors look like they are oxidized or somthing. I tryed to clean them, but it made zero difference. I am thinking that I should have the mirrors recoated and I can afford it. However I was wondering should I recoat or just buy a new telescope. The scope I currently have is a Telestar 114AZ (114mm diameter). Looking at amazon I could pick up a new scope for to to much more the the recoat would cost.

    Is it worth it to recoat or replace?

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