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Everything posted by Diddykong

  1. Thanks for the replies Alacant and David. I also live next to a very quiet park (golf course) with zero lights. There is obviously some street and house light pollution in my back garden so would it make a difference if I went the 1000 feet as the crow flies to the park to image or would it still be the same as my back garden?
  2. My house is under Bortle 6 skies but I can drive to 4 skies witin 30 minutes. Is this worth doing for deep space photography? I've seen incredible results even under bortle 8 skies.
  3. Thank you all for the replies. Very informative. I am getting the HEQ5 Pro mount. My main interest in astrophotography of galaxies and nebula, hence the ED 80 purchase, however I was hoping to track and find asteroids using software where you take multiple images of the sky and overlay them to see any changes. Looks like a good lot of fun. So would the ED 80 or williams optics 73 (not decided on which yet) be able to carry this out?
  4. Hi all, I'm picking up an ED 80 or similar for some astrophotography and am also interested in asteroid finding. Is there a particular type of telescope that's well suited for this?
  5. Thank you Shimrod. I only plan on astrophotograhy however would be good to have the option for visual as well! So I guess is the WO73 worth an extra £200? 50% more
  6. Ah I think I was comparing the price for the diagonal, finder and eyepiece to the WO73. Will I need to buy these for the WO73? Sorry I'm very new to this!
  7. Thank you for all the advice posted. Has made very interesting reading. So I have put in a pre order for the HEQ5 Pro Mount however the ED 80 might be delayed until Mid to late May, so was presented with another option: William Optics 2019 Zenithstar 73 APO It's only £100 more and I would be able to get straight away. Any reason I shouldn't pull the trigger on this over the ED 80?
  8. Anything else I should be buying now alongside the mount and scope? What accessories will I require? Eyepieces, powerbank etc.
  9. Thanks Vlaiv. Very informative! I shall keep doing some research into other aspects of this hobby
  10. Also another quick question. The Celestron Advanced VX mount is the same price as the HEQ5 Pro. Both just shy of £800. Any recommendations?
  11. Fantastic images Tooth. Think I'm sold on the ED80! What do you mean when you say "uncropped single subs"? Thanks Vliav. I'll just start without a guiding scope to start with and see how I get on then. Thank you for the link Star. Definitely sold on the ED80., looks like a fantastic scope!
  12. Thank you for the reply Tooth and Vlaiv. Very interesting points. It sounds like starting out on the ED80 would be the better idea and when I've "learnt the ropes" can always buy the 200 or similar. Would I still be able to get great quality images of say the Andromeda Galaxy using the ED80? Will I need a guide scope with the HEQ5 Pro and ED80 setup?
  13. Evening all, I'm hoping to get into astrophotography and have been doing some research on the subject. My budge is around £1000 - £1500 and so far I have decided on the SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro mount and either the 200P or Skywatcher Evostar 80 ED DS Pro scopes. My main aim is DSO photography, so galaxies, nebula etc. Which scope would work best to achieve this goal? My camera is a Canon EOS1300D. Any other equipment and advice to take into consideration? Any help would be much appreciated.
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