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Posts posted by Baffa

  1. Looks very good Robert, is that a separate battery box mounted on the motor/nano box ?

    Just received my 80x60x40 box in the post and thinking about cramming it all in and how it's mounted, may have to copy this.

    Yes, it's a separate battery box. I used it for easier change of battery and with an already built in switch.

    Sent from Xperia Z1 using Tapatalk.

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  2. I couldn't help so I had to try this arduino focuser aswell and just right now I just got the stepper motor running. Had a few USB issues and bad performance of the motor. It all turned out to be 2 bad solders, that sorted it all now works.

    Now I "just" need to make things look nice and keep the electronics from the dangerous outdoors and order some pullies and belt - after I measured things 10 times, I'm a notoriosly bad with measuring and tools.. haha.

    Still, a fun project to follow and try out for myself!

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  3. That looks very nice Baffa.

    M51 is my current target, but I'm having some difficulty even finding it! I know exactly where it is thanks to stellarium, and I'm willing to bet I've past it many times. Should it be visible in my scope (in sig).

    I'm considering just going out and taking some subs of that area of the sky until I find it.

    Visually I had no problems finding it, even when my eyes wasn't completly dark adapted. I have more aperture and my light pollution is less north/eastwards than any other direction, far from great though!

    I suppose you should be able to see it if your skies are dark enough.

  4. I actually have managed to get some "noise" from a DSO in the past but this is my first ever chance of actually capturing a DSO. My first scope was a Celestron 127 slt, complete unsuitable for DSO imaging, especially with a small web cam chip.

    But now I have upgraded,

    Skywatcher 200PDS


    Canon 1100D

    Philips SPC900NC, currently filling the guiding role.

    My "first" DSO M51:

    I had another go at processing this, tried to follow a couple of tutorials but I really need to work more with PS..


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  5. I actually have managed to get some "noise" from a DSO in the past but this is my first ever chance of actually capturing a DSO. My first scope was a Celestron 127 slt, complete unsuitable for DSO imaging, especially with a small web cam chip.

    But now I have upgraded,

    Skywatcher 200PDS


    Canon 1100D

    Philips SPC900NC, currently filling the guiding role.

    My "first" DSO M51:


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