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Philip Benson

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Posts posted by Philip Benson

  1. Last night while trying out some new binoculars I noticed something a bit strange. A bright 'flash' which for all the world looked like an iridium flare which lasted a few seconds and then faded again. However this particular flare didn't seem to be moving, and in any case I know that iridium flares no longer happen.

    This was somewhere between 8.30 and 9.30 and it was in the area of Perseus, so pretty low down. Almost exactly where Iota Persei is located.  The lower right star of the little trapezium marking Perseus' head.

    Just interested if anyone else saw this?

  2. I have been using the same guiding cable for quite a while but it is now becoming a bit tatty. A couple of the wires at the camera end have become detached from the RJ11 plug but it still works. I tried a couple of spare guiding cables supplied with other cameras I have bought previously but they seem to stop the mount tracking when I connect them.

    Has anyone got any idea why this is? I'm guessing it must be something to do with the way the cables have been wired up but any other help would be appreciated. As it stands I only have one cable which works with my mount (AP 1200GTO). I am using a QSI 6120 camera.

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  3. I found it by aiming firstly to one of the bright naked eye stars in the 'W' of Cassiopeia and then using SGPs 'Solve and Sync' feature to make sure the star was in the exact centre of the FOV. I then manually entered the RA and Dec as given on the AAVSO chart into my APCC mount control software and then took a 1m exposure. I then simply matched the stars in my image with those on the chart and rotated the camera until I had more or less the same orientation as in the chart.  At that point the nova was obvious.

    The plan now is to use my Star Analyser 100 filter with Tom Fields excellent RSpec software to get the spectrum of the nova.  I can calibrate that first by using a prominent A type star such as Vega. 

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  4. So this afternoon we set the mount aiming at the NCP and turned on. Then connected the mount and the crosshair pointed at the NCP.  All good.  Next we manually slewed to a star using NSEW buttons in EQMOD. That was fine and we could synch on the star.  Next we right-clicked on another star and selected 'Slew to …..'. The mount started aiming towards the star we chose, got almost to it but then the crosshair suddenly jumps a few degrees away from the star and the mount continues slewing past the position of the star.   This jumping a few degrees happens each time the cross hair approaches our target star.


    Anyone got any ideas?

  5. None yet. I was going use Mizar as the first alignment/sync point but I didn't get that far.  I know the mount encoders are turned on so I have asked that he turn the encoders off in case there is a clash going on. The way the mount was behaving it seemed as though something was fighting against the direction the mount was pointing so if the encoders are detecting that the mount is moving without the hand controller controlling the mount the encoders might be interpreting that as a pointing error and trying to correct it.

    By turning the encoders off with the hand controller connected, EQMOD would then be able to take over the pointing completely. Just a thought.

  6. I am helping a friend setup a SW EQ8 using EQMOD. We have all the cables setup and the connection in Starry Night works fine with EQMOD connecting to COM 3.

    Setting the mount towards the NCP we then slew towards Mizar just as a test star.  The mount starts to slew in the general direction of Mizar. The mount settles on Mizar but then the crosshair suddenly jumps a few degrees away and then starts to slew once again towards Mizar.  Settles near Mizar but then once again jumps back a few degrees before slewing back towards Mizar. Th mount physically moves further and further north until it is almost pointing directly overhead.

    I went into the EQMOD folder in the user profile (Roaming > AppData > EQMOD) and deleted all the ini files.  Re-entered configuration info for EQMOD and tried again but same thing happened.

    Anyone know what is happening here and how to resolve?

  7. I have a QSI camera with the built OAG port.

    I know how OAG works. The prism in the OAG port pinches a small amount of the incoming light from the telescope and directs it into the guide camera. I wondered whether that means some of the same stars that are visible in the guider field of view should also be visible in the main camera FOV? 

    I tried this last night on the Moon. Aimed telescope at the Moon and then started looped exposures on the guide camera. Light from the Moon was visible but was just out of view.  So I shifted the scope slightly until the Moon came into the FOV of the guide camera and then took a short exposure with the main camera.  The Moon was not visible directly but was obviously just out of the main camera FOV.

    If I adjusted the OAG position by pushing further in, would that mean I would be able to marry up stars visible in the main camera and guide camera?

  8. Like many others I suspect I use SGP for my image capture. Some time ago I experimented unsuccessfully with building mosaics.  I decided to abandon the attempt in the end but ever since then the previews of my attempts still load up in main window area everytime I run SGP.  There are four of them in different tabs. I would like to start from a 'clean slate' when SGP first opens.

    Does anyone know how I can stop these preview images from coming up all the time? 

  9. Hi all,

    I'm getting close to holding up the while flag with this one so... HELP!   

    My observatory has fibreglass base ring which is sitting on a hardwood surface (see pic). Ever since I installed this I have had a problem with water leakage through the base ring. I have tried silicone sealant but not matter how hard I try I always seem to miss a bit and the water seeps through.

    There must be a brush on sealant that I can use which I can apply all the way round the base, both in and out so it seals any gaps for water to seep through. We even tried applying some primer and then flashing strip but it seems flashing strip does not adhere to hardwood very well. Can anyone recommend anything please?  


  10. Hi Guys,

    I don't know if you can offer any advice on this...
    I was helping a friend on Friday evening in establishing an ASCOM connection between his 14" LX200GPS and Starry Night etc.
    After trying a few USB/serial leads and drivers we managed to get a stable connection to the scope and this worked fine in SN. However We noticed a consistent error between the scopes actually pointing location on the sky and the shown position in SN. 
    For example with the scope centred on M76 we slewed to a bright star in Cassiopeia.  The scope slewed fine and we took an image which confirmed the star was in the FOV.  However the red cross in SN was showing a couple of degrees off the star.  I tried to 'sync on' the target but the cross did not move. We slewed back to M76 and once again a quick sub confirmed M76 was back in the FOV.
    So pointing is fine, but there is an error in the actual and displayed pointing positions. The same issue occurs when I closed SN and tried Maxim instead.
    Any suggestions on how I can bring the scope and the software 'in line' with each other?
  11. This image was captured using my TMB 6" apo with an APM 2.7x barlow.  Altair Astro IMX174 HyperCam and Baader LRGB filters. About 2500 frames captured withh FireCapture and then sharpened with Registax and PS. 

    Perhaps a little oversharpened but the presence of the emerging (and flattened) red spot enhances the impression of 3D.  Also two satellites present, Io to the left and possibly Europa to lower right.  

    Jupiter 23rd April 2017.jpg

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  12. I have just purchased one of these to use with my EQ8.   My laptop is running Windows 10 and does have built in Bluetooth and so I don't need the dongle.   I have paired the EQTooth device using the default 1234 passcode.  It shows as connected under my Bluteooth settings.  Under device manager I can see the virtual serial ports listed and set to ports 10 and 11 for incoming and outgoing ports respectively.  Under Bluetooth settings I have configured the Flow Control to 'hardware' for each as recommended.  All seems fine but when I configure EQMOD to connect to port 11 (outgoing port) and then try to connect to the mount it times out. 

    I also have a cabled EQDIR adapter and that works fine.   Any suggestions about what I am not doing to get the EQTooth adapter to work?

  13. Hi Fozzie,

    No the modular design is unique to the LS152.  At least as far as I know.  If you look at the Photo (1st link below) you can see a small silver thumb screw just in front of the red band.   This is one of three which allow you to remove the Ha Module and replace it with for example the CaK module (see 2nd link below).  



    Tak images to follow.​

  14. Thanks Fozzie for your kinds comments.   I was incredibly lucky that these two scopes were offered for sale within a few months of each other.  Previously I had owned the 92mm and 130mm signature series TMBs and the optical and mechnical quality of them was evident immediately.  I have the 3.5in 3545 FT focuser on the TMB and it is just huge! 

    What I particularly like about the Lunt 152 is that it is modular.  So many H alpha solar scopes (including the massive LS230) are only designed to work at that wavelength.  However on the 152 you can completely remove the H alpha module and replace it with a CaK module or even a conventional star diagonal or Herschel wedge making it suitable for night time and white light solar viewing as well.  Obviously all these cost extra but to have the option is very useful and makes the LS152 a uniquely versatile scope.   I have both a B1800 straight through blocking filter for imaging and a B1200 for visual use.

    Of course since you are only working with a single wavelength there is no advantage to having a high quality lens when observing at Ha or CaK wavelengths.  Hence the LS152 is 'only' an achromat at the objective end.

    I have become something of a frac addict now and also have a pair of Takahashis as well.  Photos of those to follow.

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  15. Hi Chris,  its Phil.  We have met and swapped a few items.   Yes the Lunt 152 is a true beast of a scope.  Fantastic for detail but useless as a grab and go.  Hence I got the LS60 as well for portable solar observations.  The EQ8 is one of the few mounts that can comfortably carry the two scopes at once.    If you are ever down this way in the new year drop us a line via email and pop over and see the dome.

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