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Everything posted by nige745

  1. Something else I didn't know existed!! Great shout as my legs are getting older by the day 😉
  2. I have seen this explained on YouTube by 'Small Optics', I think it was him. If I were to use a laser collimator, I would need the laser collimator collimating! 😁
  3. I don't really understand this. Could you explain this again please?
  4. That is very helpful. I was thinking that I would need 2" & 1.25" filters.
  5. Everything moving fast is something I had not considered until you explained it.
  6. Wow!! Thanks guys for all of the replies. I got stuck in the garden yesterday, repainting my shed and it took way longer than I expected, 8.30pm. I wasn't expecting this at all, thank you 💚 With regards to the size and weight. I intend to keep the telescope in the garage to start with and maybe it's own shed one day, so I won't have to move it too far to get into my garden. I also have an estate car so will be able to move the scope in that if needed. I am fairly sure that I would be able to manhandle a larger scope at the moment. I had never heard of a zoom eye piece. A mobile phone e/p would be helpful as I would love to take the odd pic. Astrophotography is a long way off for me at the moment (maybe one day?). The StellaLyra 12" is one I have had a look at, amongst others. The RVO 12" OTA is 9kg lighter and the RVO base is 5kg lighter. I can't navigate that well around the sky but I really want to be able to. I live in a Bortal Class 5 area. If I look Northwards, towards Sheffield, there's more light pollution. Southwards is noticeably darker. My garden is North facing but is long enough for me to be able to see over my house. I used to live in Sheffield and where I live now is markedly darker. The RVO 12" OTA is 6kg lighter than the Sky-Watcher 12" and the base is 19kg lighter. Some reviews would be reassuring. If they come out of the same factory this is good. The AstroHopper will be a big help. Got it on my phone now. What would I like to observe? Good question and I don't really know the answer. The planets and moon to start with but they will maybe get boring after a while? I'd like to look at galaxies & nebulas, DSO's in general. Lots more DSO's to find out there. OOUK scopes are out of my price league. I have looked up Bresser Dobs and found a post on here - Bresser or GSO for a 12" inch dob This has only added to my confusion, STA 😁 More questions (sorry): 1. If the RVO Horizon 12" is lighter than other brands does this mean anything quality wise or is it engineered differently to save on weight? 2. Is a lighter base a good thing, would this make the base less stable? 3. If the scope is lighter will this mean the base will be able to move easier? 4. If I buy filters do I need to buy one for the different sizes of e/p: 2" & 1.25"? 5. Should I buy a collimator for the scope straight away? What type will be best?
  7. Hello everyone, I want to buy my first proper telescope. I've have watched videos on YouTube and read articles on various sites & forums. I'm getting a bit confused and have information overload. I thought this was going to be fun! I have come to the conclusion that a Dobsonian will be the way to go. Ed Ting recommends the 8" Dobsonian as a starter and I can see why. I can afford to buy a 10" or at a push a 12" Dobsonian. The latter is where I'm leaning towards most likely (aperture fever already!). I visited Rother Valley Optics, UK last week to look at telescopes in the flesh and to ask some questions. They had Sky-Watcher and also their own make RVO Horizon Dobsonians amongst lots of other scopes. I can't find any reviews on the RVO Horizon series and wondered if anyone on here owns one or knows of someone who does? The RVO Horizon had a fine tuner on the focuser (the Sky-Watcher didn't), is this a good thing? Also is Ed Ting right about getting an 8" Dobsonian to start with? Would you recommend another type of scope for a beginner? Are there any other items I would be advised on starting off with like filters or Barlow lenses? Thanks in advance for any help or advice. Nigel
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