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robbie c

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Posts posted by robbie c

  1. Hi I’ve just got a canon 6d and there’s a app in the App Store (ESO REMOTE) that connects to the camera Wi-Fi so you can control the camera settings from your iPhone l was wondering if anyone has used this and found it useful. Any reply’s good or bad would be handy to know before I download it 

    Thanks Robbie c 

  2. E40D4DEA-C424-41CC-862E-EE5567AC62EF.thumb.jpeg.4848d7cd494ec34afbb2e350c4664b3e.jpegDecided it was time to trade in my old canon  1100d for a 6d it’s the first time I’ve used MPB got to say great service from them and a good price for my old canon. Just fitted the Samyang 14mm lens I got a couple of weeks ago can’t wait to try then both out A054940D-29E2-4FD0-99DE-9E28E99F1D10.thumb.jpeg.1090620e52dd2bdefb35d49781ba3315.jpeg

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  3. Well I’ll be the first to get on my knees put my hands together and thank the cloud gods for holding the clouds back last night 🙏
    Mind you they probably thought we’d suffered enough so gave us a treat 😁

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  4. That’s a great image love it, I’m going back there in July for 10days and going to spend a night in the Parador De Las Canadas hotel, we spent a night there in 2015 and you are right when all the visitors have gone and all the lights in the cafe/souvenir shop are turned off it’s very dark I’ve never seen so many stars. Last time we were there the hotel had a 8” dob that they let me take out to the car park I got some amazing views of Jupiter 

    I’m going to take my camera with me this time see if I can do some Widefield photography it’ll be a first for me as not done any before but just got a 14mm Samyang lens so will give it a try if I can work out all the settings for doing it 😂

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  5. Well we haven’t had a holiday this year or last so the wife said let’s do a Rd trip as all we’ve done is work

    and as I’ve never been to Scotland and Sue has  several times she said let’s do a road trip to Scotland.

    So we leave the south coast tomorrow heading north, not going to do the drive in one go stopping first in the

    Peak District for 1 night then lake Windermere before heading for Fort Augustus at the south end of Loch Ness.

    Next day driving up the length of Loch Ness to lnverness for a two night stay before heading down to Edinburgh 

    then back down to the Peak District then last stop the Cotswolds before heading back home. I’m taking my bins

    and camera as I might be  extremely lucky and get a break in the clouds (fingers, toes, and everything else crossed)

    but not only that if anyone knows of any interesting things or places to see please feel free to let me know.



  6. Watched this last night found it very interesting,

    On sky Documentaries, about family, friends and colleagues talk for the first time about Stephen Hawkings life 

    worth seeing if you’ve not seen it, I found the latter part of this great mans life very sad 

  7. Hi all it’s been a while but it’s good to be back, I’ve been lurking on the forums but thought I’d best come 

    and say hello.

    I did get a bit disillusioned a little while ago with the English weather (any one living here will know about that).

    I never really lost interest in looking up at the sky when we did get a clear night but just used my bins for viewing 

    but think I really got my mojo back last summer when comet Neowise came into view that was amazing.

    anyway I’m back to viewing the night sky again with my 150pro skymax and have added to that with two nearly new 

    scopes a 80ed ds-pro outfit (hopefully to get into some  astro photography) and a skywatcher 300p flex tube.

    im looking forward to the long Rd ahead.

    Its nice to be back 😁


  8. Just seen the news I guess we all new this day would come but its still a shock I can remember sitting watching a black and white tv of the first moon landing when I was about 13 and Patrick's amazing enthusiasm, I think it was at that point that I started to take an interest in Astronomy and I loved watching the sky at night and I count myself one of the lucky ones to have met him not once but twice at his house down in Selsy in the last year and the amazing stories he told us and having the chance to look through his scopes will always stay with me.

    R.I.P Patrick a legend gone but will never be forgotten

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