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  1. after talking to a variety of people i have stumped for the SeeStar S50.....fingers crossed.....
  2. i see a lot of good things about the heritage 130P and it seems to go down to a small size for storage - any one have one that they could comment on pros and cons.......
  3. I have owned telescopes before so not a total beginner. moved on to a boat 4 years ago and got rid of my sky watcher 127 mak as it was just too much hassle carrying it away from the boat to use it. The boat is moored in a marina and the pontoon moves too much too use anything on it other than binoculars. just got my grandson a cheap 70mm scope for 25 quid and it got me thinking that there might be smaller stuff out there that might work.....ive seen the ST80 and ST102 and they seem to fit the bill nicely but think i would need a camera tripod to mount as storage on the boat is also at a premium. does any one have any thoughts on a simple setup that is as small and portable as possible whilst allowing me to get back into some star gazing.....would i regret those over say an ED scope to start me off? cheers
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