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    Hull, Yorkshire

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  1. Thank you, the photo was just me sticking my photo to the eye piece so really didn't expect a well taken picture. Certainly looks better with a bit of processing.
  2. Thanks for the advice! Will add it to the ever increasing list of 'things to get...'
  3. Thanks, that looks like a very useful website.
  4. Recently got 6" Tabletop Dob that came with a free solar filter that I wasn't too bothered about. Having twiddle my thumbs waiting for a clear night, I got a break in the clouds during the day & figured I might as well check out the sun. Wow! Was not expecting the sun to be so interesting or to be able to see sun spots. Definitely going to have I start viewing the sun regularly now. Rubbish phone to the eye piece pictures attached.
  5. Yep it comes with a solar filter, so looking forward to using that as well. Good suggestion on using leavers, will look into it. Thanks
  6. Hello! Haha just posted a similar post, got back into astronomy after being out of it for 10 years. Although the clouds are really stopping me actually using my new telescope...
  7. Hi All, Just to say hi after getting back into astronomy having sold up about 10 years ago (joys of children & a busy life). Birthday this week & got a 6" Tabletop Dob on a custom built movable table. But as the sticker on the box suggested, it did contain clouds & three days later not had chance to use it.... Time to go back to lurking & waiting for the clouds to go away! Jonathan
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