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Everything posted by throwaway45273562

  1. This is not a forum I use, however I felt the need to comment on this thread. I have only just learnt of this news after finding this thread, having not been able to reach dobsonians.co.uk. David was a local telescope maker and a very skilled man. I came into posession approximately 5 years ago of a dobsionan built by him; an excellent piece of equipment which has brought me so much enjoyment and many wonderful memories over those years. I am incredibly grateful for the joy which - although indirectly - he has brought to me and I know many others both in the local area and beyond. I will continue to use my telescope built by him, which has been such an enabler for me in amateur astronomy, for as long as I can continue to take it outside to observe. I'm sure through many other peoples' passion for this hobby his telescopes will continue to serve for decades to come, and his legacy as a great man and great telescope maker shall go on. My thanks are to him, and my thoughts are with his friends and family.
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