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Everything posted by kellysaturn

  1. Thank you so much! I’ve never used astrometry.net before so I’m unsure if I’ve uploaded them correctly, but they should be there under the ID strayteez324 (49648)
  2. Hi! I’m still very much new to this hobby and have been experimenting taking photos with my phone (IPhone 15 Plus for reference). I’ve just edited these pictures by taking the brightness down and the contrast up, so nothing too professional, but I was wondering if there would be anyone kind enough to help me label what I’ve taken pictures of? Specific stars, constellations, etc. For reference, I’m in the UK (north) and all three of these pictures were taken 11th May between 00:32 - 00:35. I tried to use apps like skyview etc but i couldn’t get my wifi to work sufficiently - so I’m sorry for asking a lot of questions. Thank you so much, any help is truly appreciated.
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