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Everything posted by Arcturus-

  1. It has been confirmed on https://spaceweather.com/ that there are blue Starlinks: - https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=26&month=08&year=2024
  2. Similar In colour, yes but not much else. Certainly wasn't 'rod' like.
  3. Based on the timings and path, I'm still wondering if it was Starlink-31714. What's 'LBM?'
  4. Stellarium has BlueWalker 3 as below the horizon at that time.
  5. I know the sheer number and rate of increase is a bit concerning.
  6. Looking on Stellarium (assuming it's accurate), NOAA 18 appears too low. Starlink-31695 or Starlink-31714, seem to match the positioning more, however Starlinks usually appear white. Plus Starlinks seem to get in the way of everything.
  7. Below is a screenshot from https://spaceweather.com/:
  8. I saw what looked like a blue satellite going over the UK at around 23:18 -23:22 UTC (00:18-00:22 BST) tonight it went from west to east. It did not seem to look like aircraft navigation lights, because it didn't look like it was flashing, and it was a lot more blue than green. It also moved a lot like a satellite, straight and arching path/trajectory. Here's a photo I took at 23:20 UTC: With a Nikon D7100 (DX (APS-C) format DSLR) with a 50mm lens with the settings being: 8 sec, f/2, ISO: 800, +5EV. I haven't edited the photo this is the off camera jpg. Same settings clearly showing Lyra at 23:21 UTC: I think I might have seen it on Friday night (into Saturday) when the aurora was visible. I have seen slight hues on satellites before like Envisat looked slightly orange, but still I've never seen such a deep colour before.
  9. Trackers are indicating there might be auroras right now. https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/: https://veryweather.co.uk/auroraTracker20.html:
  10. So glad to finally see auroras:
  11. Thanks for sharing @HnrKS. Hopefully the intensity will pick up again, especially as hasn't only the first of the six CMEs reached earth so far...
  12. I really do hope I see it tonight. I think the aurora is the astronomical related thing that I've tried to observe the most without actually seeing it yet. And there's been a few times which I seemingly missed it by minutes.
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