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Everything posted by Delta

  1. Nice! Do you have any recommendations of local darksites?
  2. It really depends on what I’m trying to image. I like my 8” SCT for planets, the moon and just general looking. But a have a soft spot for my Evoguide 50 and my newly acquired sharpstar 61 because they look nice. I’m easily pleased
  3. Unfortunately yes. I have no will power! I’m sure that’s a pretty low number here. I’ve seen members with quite a few listed in their signature haha!
  4. I haven't yet. I didn't really want to haul my HEQ5 about so I recently purchased a Skywatcher AZ GTI and a Sharpstar 61EDPH III for "travel". I will venture out once work commitments calm down.
  5. Hi! Not joking about the 8 scopes. They’re not high end or anything where I’ve had to sell my children for them. Just your run of the mill skywatcher/celestron type stuff! I wouldn’t solely blame the SGL community. I’d include YouTube and my poor self control when it comes to something new
  6. Hello all! I thought id join the cool kids after lurking on the forum for about 3 years. I stumbled across the forum when I was searching for my first telescope. I ended up purchasing the Celestron Astro Fi 127 Mak which I absolutely adore (not so much the mount). After that purchase and reading a lot more posts here, I have ended up with 8 scopes and very empty pockets! I’d just like to thank the members here who have contributed to this :) I’m only joking! Looking forward to learning a lot more soon! Thanks!
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