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Everything posted by cloudyweather

  1. Is anyone able to summarise the differences between the EQ5 Pro and HEQ5 Pro ? Of course there's also a EQM-35 Pro. It's really difficult finding out anything from the Skywatcher product specs... and I think they have too many products... I see the Celestron AVX has 2" tripod legs which might be overkill for me. Thanks
  2. Thank you so much everyone. I've got a few extra questions. Can the Starfield be 'switched' easily during a session between Visual and Imaging? What mount do you/would you use for the Starfield? It would ideally need to be somewhat portable... despite living in rural Wiltshire, you wouldn't believe the bright led street lights. I don't intend to carry it on my back, just car but I do have a restricted view very dark spot in the garden. Really portable things like the AM3 raise the price somewhat. Or add in a slow mo alt-az for travelling visual. Too many options. Thanks
  3. Looks like same price as FLO (double the Starfield/Askar)... at 740mm and f/7.4 it's marginally better for visual right? Still, what a price and length 815mm.
  4. Thanks "Generally good condition but a slight amount of dust in the optics from usage but not worthy of cleaning." Ooo, I don't like dust and it's 'in' the optics not 'on'. My prime camera lenses are all spotless, never cleaned just covered and they have lots of glass.
  5. Thank you for confirming 100mm as a sweet spot for visual. And the need for a decent tripod/mount with extension. I was trying to use binoculars the other night on Alcor and Mizar (painfully) so definitely need greater than 60 degrees of altitude. It had been suggested that the AZ-GTiX would fit the bill but I'm not so sure now. I had heard triplets would be better for imaging due to corrected colour - just didn't know if the glass quality made a difference. Good to know a triplet would be overkill for visual. Thanks
  6. Thanks for confirming the 100mm choice. You are right about the nights right now - although most seem to have had constant rain clouds for months. That Takahashi looks nice - and so light. I wonder if they ever appear in sales - black friday sort of thing.
  7. Hi all, First let me say that I've read as much as I can find online and I'm looking for help. I'm fairly new at astronomy, retired and a semi-professional photographer in the past (love HQ lenses). Not sure about all the image processing/stacking that seems to be needed for astro but may give that a go (I have an APS-C Fuji). But I'm also looking for Visual and somewhat portable (car / easy setup). Consider the Starfield 102 + 0.8 reducer/flattener and the Askar 103mm + 08. reducer/flattener to be the same price and both in stock. I've read nothing but glowing reports of the Starfield everywhere. Praising the quality build, finish & optics for both Visual and Imaging. The Askar seems to have split views. Concern about cheaper glass than perhaps more expensive triplets. I did read of possible focuser issues on one site. Why am I asking? The Starfield has been out of stock for a few months and I could get the Askar, but I'll wait a little longer if needed. Has anyone actually used both telescopes? First hand experience of both? For Visual and Imaging? Many thanks
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