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Everything posted by cloudyweather

  1. You mentioned this a month ago now, but would you happen to remember which WO 'handle' you use for the Starfield? I 'think' you are referring to a mounting bracket, so is there enough clearance to insert fingers underneath? Oh - and Starfield 102mm (s) have landed in UK... Thanks
  2. So in Alt-Az, just levelling and pointing North (with compass) allows you to goto (and correct if necessary) and TRACK once there. Just not to the accuracy of EQ, autoguiding and asiair. Sounds a perfect halfway. Many thanks.
  3. Hi I'm looking to explore my future upgrade path from a Starfield 102mm and manual Sightron Alt-Azimuth Mount on a CF tripod to the next step. I'm thinking ZWO AM3 with goto but unguided and no additional 'boxes'. And then onto Auto-Guiding and ASiair mini etc. It's all about cost. My main question is, Can the ZWO AM3 be used for Visual Goto (without ASiair and auto-guiding)? How would you polar align? 3 star alignment? Happy to use phone and the pictured hand controller. Obviously the Starfield and a RDF too, Thanks, Sean
  4. I did order a WO 2" diagonal and Baader SkySurfer 3 too. Forgot to list them. Thanks.
  5. Thank you. That's just what I needed to know. I've ordered the Starfield 102mm, a Sightron Alt Az mount and the StellaLyra CF tripod. Along with hopefully a nice selection of eyepieces (3.2mm, 5mm, 12mm BST StarGuider and 30mm StellaLyra) plus a Solar Wedge (seems the year for it!!!). I can add a HD mount later. Many thanks all, Sean
  6. I hope this isn't too stupid a question but using the Starfield (and flattener/reducer) on a HEQ5, is it possible to take reasonable unguided images with an attached DSLR? I'm really pushing my budget getting the HEQ5 and want to keep things simple for now. Thanks
  7. Does anyone have a favourite case/bag for the Starfield 102mm? The FLO suggested bag is too long. Thanks.
  8. Does anybody find the Starfield 102mm needs a dew heater in the UK damp weather? Or is the sliding dew shield sufficient? Just planning ahead to make sure any portable battery is sufficient for mount and extras. Thanks
  9. Yeah - FLO told me. I just don't understand how dust could get inside the optics if it's been looked after. Do other people have dust in theirs?
  10. Is the SkySurfer attached to an extension? and which finder shoe are you using? Many thanks
  11. I was going to get StellaLyra 30mm 2" SuperView Eyepiece and BST StarGuider 60º 5mm ED Eyepiece but not really sure of others. I need long eye-relief for glasses. Coupled with StellaMira 2" 90º Di-Electric Diagonal and Astro Essentials Variable Polarising Moon Filter 1.25" I do want to explore the moon and it would be nice to see a planet or two along with everything else. So it would be good to know thoughts on practical useful magnification for the UK. And the other items I've listed. Thanks
  12. I assume carrying the mount head separately makes it easier? The HEQ5 mount seems to be 3kg heavier than the EQ5 - doesn't 'sound' a lot but... (my wife's stage piano is 20kg and that's a killer). I would have thought it normal to setup and level tripod, then add mount and then scope? Or is that wrong? As you can tell, still debating HEQ5. Thanks
  13. Is the HEM15 as complicated to align and use as the 'Quick Start Guide' implies? Would this be equivalent to a HEQ5 Pro for tracking? Thanks
  14. I should also say that I'm going to be principally visual for now. Learn the skies rather than focus on the imaging side. It would be nice to take the odd photo but I know the needed HEQ5 for HQ images is not light (as others have noted).
  15. So FLO are recommending the EQM35. "The EQM35 sits between the EQ5 and the HEQ5 in the line up; the EQM35 is basically a mini HEQ5 in terms of tracking capabilities, only the HEQ5 has a higher payload. The HEQ5 Pro would be best for imaging, followed by the EQM35, then the EQ5 Pro which doesn't have quite so accurate gearing and stepper motors." The newer EQM35 (6 years old) also takes a slightly higher payload than the EQ5 (which is 13+ years old)...
  16. No risk of scope hitting tripod then? (for Starfield rather than your Tak). Thanks
  17. Are you using a Pier extension? I can't see from the photos. Just trying to price up combinations. Thanks
  18. This is probably a really stupid question, but why does the EQ5 say 42k+ object catalogue but the HEQ5 13k+?
  19. Thank you so much for the pictures. The Starfield on EQ5 looks great. I'll need to check weights/sizes snd ease of setup on the HEQ5 - even if I'm not imaging immediately on the starfield, it might be good to lay the groundwork. Do you find your red dot finder awkward for near zenith spotting? Thanks
  20. "Brand new, unused but with some carbon fibre irregularities in the weave pattern ...!". I'm not a structural engineer but I'd have thought the weave was integral to the material integrity - but like I say, I'm not a structural engineer.
  21. My 'overall' budget is probably around £2,000. How that is split between optics/mount etc ...
  22. Yes you are right. I will need to move occasionally. Dare I ask how the Stellamira 125mm compares to the Starfield 102mm? I have to admit to seeing it on FLO... Thanks
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