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Everything posted by Deegnoot

  1. Thnx for the good advice. I know that I won't get the view like a telescope with binoculars but was't sure what would be a good one. That's why I went with the celestron upclose G2 10x50 porro. After reading your thoughts and tips, it was most important of having something light and small. I can't wait to test it out, but even more to test it in Greece.
  2. Hello, I'm new here and have a big decission to make but have no clue what's best. I already have a telescope and love watching the night sky. In september I'm going on vacation to Greece where there is bassically no light pollution 😍. I wanted to take something with me on vacation, therefore a binocular. I already learned that with a 12 and above magnification, you best have a tripod for stabilisation of the view. My first chose was the celestron skymaster 15x70. With the learned information I'm not sure if this is really to heavy without tripod (It's 1.3 kilograms). Now I have found something like goggles, the Omegon 2.1x42 widefield and the Omegon 2x54. Does anyone have experience with these to know the difference between these and an the above binoculars? My other options are the Celestron upclose G2 10x50 porro and the 10-30x50 zoom porro. I'm just scared that a 10x will be a dissappointment. I would love the hear all your advice 😃
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