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Posts posted by Khanburykhan

  1. Good to know!  Not quite to thakt level, yet.  I migrated from "eye-balling it" to getting a Celestron polar axis finder. and ZWO ASI camera. Because I was setting up for the first time I thought I would go ahead and fine-tune it.  A word to the wise -- probably not a bad idea.  The polar finders are supposed to be fairly accurate out of the box but mine was probably as far off as it could be.  Two set screws (grub screws) were nearly all the way out, and the third was in so deep that it wouldn't budge.  I have micro tools so tools weren't an issue.  I suggest that when you buy something that has set screws in a ring, look to see if they are all about equal.  They should be.  If not, return it for having a defect or attempt to fix it at your risk.  I happen to have micro screws so I will be able to deal with it.  But I'm not happy.   Cheers and clear skies ( good luck in the UK)!

  2. Looks like you started the same way I did. My neighbor is a teacher.  His school bought a telescope that could be a dead-ringer for yours.  They couldn't get it to focus, so he gave it to me.  I determined what was wrong  -- an easy fix.  Of course, I became hooked.  Got a couple more eyepieces.   Added a cellphone holder.  Seeing the moon and planets on the cellphone got my wife hooked.  Led to better equipment.  Now I'm delving into astrophotography.  Take it slow.  Listen to folks and do your research.  Think in terms of what you want to do, what kind of stuff you want to "shoot."  Makes a big difference on the kind of equipment,  and saves you from spending money on things you really don't need.  Also doesn't hurt to join a club.  Cheers.

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