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Everything posted by Adamito

  1. I bought my first Sky-Watcher Star Discovery 150 telescope and yesterday I had my first observation of the moon using the telescope. A wonderful view! Below I attach photos that I managed to take with the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE I also have a question for you: do you have any guides on how to properly set up the SynScan GoTo system? I supposedly set it up, but it finds the wrong target every time.
  2. @Les Ewan @Zermelo Thank you for your help. What eyepieces do you recommend buying for this telescope? I will add that I am talking about observations of the planets of the solar system. So as to achieve the best possible visual effect
  3. Is the Sky-Watcher Star Discovery 150 telescope a good choice as the first telescope for observing the sun, moon and planets of the solar system?
  4. @John @MikeAa @Spile Thank you for your help. I'll probably choose Bresser. GOTO seems convenient and great to me, but I don't want to take the easy way out at the beginning. I think that if I have to find an object in the sky myself, I will also expand my knowledge and over time I will be better able to navigate the night sky Once I have the telescope, I will let you know my impressions after the first observations!
  5. Thanks for your help Will there be any problems with observing the objects I mentioned above using these telescopes? I know there won't be a high-quality image, but will it allow me to make at least somewhat satisfactory observations?
  6. Hi, I have been interested in astronomy for 2 years, but for now I have only observed the sky with the naked eye. I would like to change this and two telescopes caught my attention: 1. Sky-Watcher Virtuoso GTi 150p 2. Bresser NT-150/750 MESSIER Dobson Which one will be better for me? I will also add that I live in the countryside where there is little lighting at night. Additionally, I care about mobility, so I was looking for something small. I travel often and would like to take my telescope with me. I mainly focus on observations: - sun, - the moon, - planets of the solar system. I will be happy to read extensive comments and I will also be happy to see photos from observations using these devices if you have them :)
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