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Posts posted by Starshooter1

  1. Hi Dazzyt66

     I’m having a similar issue.

    my problem is my newly purchased synscan wifi adaptor is demanding a password to access it and i know it’s the default is “open” with no password.

    To reset it I’ve tried powering up for over 1 hour and over 24 hours i still get the same issue.

    I wrapped is in foil as per your suggestion. Turned it on an left it for over an hour. Then i took the foil off and restarted it but the wifi is still asking for a password.

    Do you have any other ideas how i can factory reset this item ? Am i missing something in the steps ?



  2. I am having trouble trying to connect my  new synscan wifi adaptor to my skywatcher neq6pro mount. My issue is the instruction manual does advise what the default ssid password is for yhe initial first time connection. Apparently its supposed to be open, so no password is required. However “join” does not become selectable until i enter an 8 character password for the ssid. 
    i have also done a factory reset on the adaptor but still requires an 8 character password. 
    I’ve tried 12345678, password, 00000000 and a few others to no avail.

    my router wifi survey feature shows that the ssid uses wpa2 encryption.

    Has anyone else had the same experience ? Did anyone have the password ?


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